If you often feel stuck in cycles of self-doubt, imposter syndrome, limiting beliefs, and feeling like you’re not good enough or talented enough to pursue your goals,
and you’ve tried all the things and not seen the changes you wanted to see…
But what’s really blocking you is that you didn’t get to the root of why you’re really stuck.
You’ve gone to coaches, you’ve tried programs, and you didn’t see the results you desired…
You may have tried different modalities and therapies but you’re still feeling a piece is missing that you just can’t see.
Does this sound like you?
You often get super excited about something you’re doing in your business, only to back out of it at the last minute, change plans, or go into hiding because you feel like an imposter?
You start a running list of questions through your mind, “Who am I to promote this service/ release this podcast / do this Facebook live…”
You’re stuck in self-sabotage but can’t figure out why.
Sometimes it feels as if your brain is working against you, even though you deeply desire to shift into your most powerful self with a thriving mindset. And you’re left wondering why you aren’t following through on your goals despite your big purpose and your “why” behind those goals.
As a former corporate working mom who has built my creative coaching business from the ground up, I’ve been stuck in this cycle of self-doubt before, and I know full well how it feels to gain some momentum, only to back out and self-sabotage because it feels safer than putting myself out there to face judgment.
If you are feeling stuck in an endless loop of negative cycles of self-talk and self-doubt when it comes to stepping into your own version of power and success, then I’d love for you to join me in the 3-day Energetic Reset Retreat.
Step fully into pursuing your goals without letting the negative inner self-talk and self-sabotage hold you back
Shift into self-confidence and self-trust that you have everything needed inside of you to embrace your most powerful self
Discover how your subconscious mind might be sabotaging your best efforts (and how you can reprogram at your own pace without beating yourself up)
Get a quick-win energetic reset to refresh your business and life goals and get you fired up to take aligned action on your goals
Learn conscious vs. subconscious mindset tools and combine both for powerful results in your life and business
Get super clear on your next steps in your business, by embracing your unique intuition and power and giving yourself grace and self-compassion to move at your own pace guided by your intuitive power
Shift your energy to manifest your business goals in a way that’s sustainable for you and doesn’t involve burning out, hustling 24/7 or doing things you don’t enjoy or things that don’t feel intuitively good to you.
A free intuitive journaling guide and workbook to help you reflect and shift your energy throughout our time together
Audio lessions released daily on a private podcast feed
Energetic-shifting hypnosis audios to anchor into your new empowering beliefs
A private Facebook community to ask questions, chat with other moms and dive deeper into the lessons to uncover what is calling to be released from your subconscious mind during the retreat
The private podcast feed will be available for a limited time after the retreat ends (for those who sign up)
Join the Modern Witch Mama Soul Healing Coven Membership starting at $44/month! Dismiss