Suspending Disbelief: 365 Days of Showing Up to Life in the Energy of Inevitable Success – Day 4

So Day 4 was pretty mentally exhausting BUT also highly productive and creative.

I woke up with a BIG IDEA to create a new offer in my business – A Minimind for aspiring authors to finally get their idea to paper for their big bold book and/or writing project.

I almost immediately wrote a social post and put up a sales page – my spirit guides persisted I do this right away. And typically they aren’t so pushy – they usually want me to do my intuitive practices, tap in, meditate, and journal in the mornings (more of that feminine flow.)

Nope, not today.

Even before taking a sip of coffee I was feverishly writing a post in Google Docs on my phone.

Ok so I wrote the idea down then made coffee, because, well it’s my morning ritual (and I always state my intentions when I’m making my coffee – that’s also my ritual!)

After grabbing my coffee I ran back upstairs to my office and sat down with so much fervor to get this offer out there.

It’s a BIG STEP toward the vision I shared with you in my Day 2 Scripting of what I visualize my life looking like in one year.

Want to know what the details are? Let’s just say this Writing Minimind will take you from inspired idea to action – You will actually begin writing that dream book you’ve had on the brain; you will actually have an accountability group to go along through the process with you; you will walk away at the end of the 12-months with a full publishable book (and we’ll also get into details of how to publish, market, etc. eventually.)

Go here to find out for yourself and to join this groundbreaking minimind for all aspiring writers – all levels are welcome!

In this minimind you will be on the ground floor of an indie publishing company that only has your best interests in mind (more to come on this! If you read day 2 of this series you will know what my big dream is for my business that I’m now making happen!)

So back to day 4 – In between my aligned actions, I was in some pretty serious heated conversations with my husband.

To be honest the conversations were heated all week long, but this was the tip of the iceberg – the pot boiling over (you get it; insert all the metaphors here.)

You see – he is in the middle of some pretty big decisions that have been weighing on him regarding his work life.

To give a tiny backstory, he is a full-time fire lieutenant but also has a part-time job as a supervisor for an environmental clean-up company.

I want to know – who reading this also has a first responder spouse? If you do, you know that it’s no easy feat trying to find time to have long serious chats because at least his shifts are 24-hours, and it’s hard as hell to have serious chats over text messages or brief phone calls without misconstruing something or totally miscommunicating altogether. (Please I want to know if you resonate – I’m starting something soon especially for firefighter spouses. Email me at

In the past, I would let outer conversations take over and if I was attempting to do something in my business I would let it override my business task. Or if I was attempting to meditate or do self-care I’d let it override that too.

None of this is easy – Let me reframe that – It’s not easy if we let it ‘not be easy.’

But I noticed a significant difference this morning of being able to steadily give attention to his need for connection and my need to get my creative idea out there.

We were able to have a calm discussion and agreed to revisit the rest of the chat later as he had a business meeting to get to and I had my blog to publish.

You might be wondering what had shifted.

Now, I need to mention that this whole experience is much more than repeating a mantra to yourself.

(I already knew it was so much more…)

But this is another confirmation that is the case.

I’m noticing my reactions and responses are shifting – it’s so much easier to not overreact in the moment.

Now – let me clear this up. I’m not suppressing emotions. I’m just becoming more and more aware of my automatic responses and seeing that a lot of the times in the past I would not give the chance for others to express their own emotions because I actually felt unsafe when this happened.

What do I mean by unsafe? My nervous system would go into a fight or flight response when I sensed the heightened emotions of someone close to me – and this has happened to me my ENTIRE life. It wasn’t until I began learning about being an empath and highly sensitive person, and learning techniques to protect my own energy from always taking on the energies of others, that I was able to get relief from this. And that has been in the past 4-5 years.

I also have to mention that learning my human design type was a huge catalyst for me to really look at how I’m interacting in the world with others, how I take on others energies and opinions as my own, and how to give myself grace knowing that there are strategies I can employ to help me feel more at ease and calm in my body despite a storm happening around me.

(By the way if you want to learn your human design type, my biz bestie who I mentioned in Day 1 of this series is offering 60-minute signature human design sessions where she digs into you personal human design chart. I had a reading with her, and she has this amazing natural intuitive ability to see to the depths of your soul while making real-time recommendations for your life situation that are for your highest good. She is pure magic. Book you session here.

I digress.

But I LOVE supporting my friends!!

So when I decided and declared that I’d take part in the suspending disbelief for 365 days, I was energetically aligning myself to this path. 

This was also another HUGE accomplishment for me because in the past I’d join challenges and commit just to fall off the wagon a week later.

But nope, not with this. This is different. I will commit to getting a blog post out each day for 365 (now 361 more) even if it consists of one paragraph. 

After all, the whole POINT of suspending disbelief in the first place is not giving up.

If there’s a will, there’s a way.

This isn’t a forcing energy; it’s simply an energetic commitment to myself that is solidifying more and more each day as I go along.

I will leave this blog post with a channeled message I received sipping my morning coffee; that’s also published to this podcast episode on Modern Witch Mama along with an entire episode all about my journey in this so far. I’ll be doing a weekly update on the podcast so please subscribe and follow along if you’re not already doing so!

I’m stepping into the energy of “this gets to be different this time.”

This is NOT the same as it’s always been because your energy is in a different place.

You’ve elevated to a different frequency.

It’s not the same this time because you chose for it to be DIFFERENT.

You chose to not buy into the mind drama, the mental gymnastics, the feeling that you’re never going to be good enough, to do good enough, to have enough.

You’re not buying into that this time, because what you replaced it with is “Your success is inevitable and you’re ALWAYS on the right path, no matter what.

No matter if the shits hits the fan, no matter if people around you are going off the rails, if they are emotionally unloading on you, no matter what happens you remain steady in your core.

You remain steady, knowing that you are the one that sets the tone for what you’re stepping into; for what you’re choosing to step into.

You at your core are not able to be shaken by outer forces.

DECIDE and DECLARE that you are steady at your core.

DECIDE and DECLARE that you are doing this; that you’re suspending all disbelief in your dreams. Your Dreams and Goals are inevitable and you’re ALWAYS on the right path.

With that I’m wrapping up Day 4, and will be publishing Day 5 of my experiences next.

I’d love to hear from you if you have energetically decided to join this challenge and what’s come up for you so far – and I’m celebrating you if you have joined and would love to support you further.

If you need extra accountability and support in this book a free call with me here to chat about how I can support your journey further via a number of different ways – as an intuitive empowerment mentor, modern witch and akashic energy guide I help you to reignite your souls’ purpose by clearing out energy that is not yours to carry (current life, past life), rewiring your subconscious mind and diving into your Akashic records for soul-level healing to reveal your highest aligned soul path forward in your life and business.

You get to suspend all disbelief that all this is possible for you, plus so MUCH MORE!

Also Brianna has started a Suspending Disbelief Coaching Container – a GROUP Voxer-based coaching container FOR THE REST OF THE 365 DAY EXPERIMENT/CHALLENGE where you get individual attention in this journey as things come up (which they inevitably will!) You can find out more details about this coaching container here.

Share with me in the comments or by reaching out on social media tagging @kelli.femrite on Instagram or @KelliElizabeth on Facebook how you’re coming along in suspending disbelief. What feelings came up today? What emotions surfaced today?


Take aligned action on ONE GOAL. Do something that you’ve meaning to do for awhile even if it’s scary, even if it makes your nervous system go haywire. Suspend all disbelief that it’s possible.

And if you’re not already there, get in the Modern Witch Mama Facebook Group here for more insights and updates and to share your experiences.

This is a movement, and we’re just getting started! It’s inevitable that this will spread far and wide. Because we’re suspending disbelief that it’s going to happen!

Follow along Bri’s journey on her raw daily journal style podcast here

Follow Jess’s journey in her group in Telegram; get access to that here.

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Hi, I'm Kelli!

I help mom entrepreneurs rediscover their intuitive power and step fully into their soul purpose through subconscious reprogramming, clearing and alignment, life coaching and authentic brand building (marketing, copy, messaging) so that they can take back their power in their lives, build a purpose-driven business and wake up excited to start each day.

Learn more about me and how I can help you explore your intuitive power and manifest your big, wild goals to reality.

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