What if you could move past the fear of rejection, persecution and ridicule for how you desire to show up in your life and leap into your era of inner power embracing your WITCH (Woman in Total Control of Herself)?

When you begin to unravel lifetimes of spiritual wounding, persecution, judgment, hate, and negative energies, you give permission for your fully expressed higher self to shine ✨ and for your soul gifts to be revealed without the fears and limiting beliefs keeping you stuck in the mud any longer.

You have heard the call of going deeper into your inner spiritual journey, but if you're anything like me when I first started waking up to my power and intuition...

✨ You are afraid of sharing your spiritual gifts with the world (or maybe you aren't even sure what those gifts are yet and you need help digging deeper to unearth them...)

✨ You are afraid of being honest to your loved ones, friends, co-workers, etc. about your intuition and messages you hear. Or you're afraid of being too "woo woo" and that people will look at you with scrunched up faces wondering WTF is wrong with this woman? (I've been there...)

✨ You aren't making as much money or having as much impact as you'd like to because you're afraid of bringing your passions or too much "woo" into your business (or you're afraid of starting that passionate soulful business.)

✨ You feel a need to "mask" around certain individuals or groups for fear of being ridiculed or questioned if you show your true self (especially at "traditional" jobs, within "old school" family dynamics, or amongst groups of friends you've had your entire life.)

Within UNBOUND you get to rewrite your story and step into your truth. Also calling in healing, abundance, money, love, support, positive friendships, abundant collaborations, and aligned opportunities (or anything else you freaking want!)

You get to have everything you desire, because when you remove your self-imposed shackles you find your sovereignty and freedom.


You get to stand up using your empowered voice to impact change in the world.

You get to protect your boundaries, peace and energy above everything else.

You get to make more money and support your family showing up as your fully expressed higher self and doing what you absolutely freaking love.

You get to be magnetic AF and call in all the abundance and impact you desire.

You get to call in your soul gifts and use them to impact positive change in the world.

You get to clear out past energies so that you show up in the world as your fully expressed higher self, whether that looks like a Witch, Healer, Priestess, or other Powerful AF woman who understands she holds the inner power to guide her life.

Hi, I’m Kelli. 

I’m a Mystical Intuitive and Empowerment Mentor, Modern Witch, 2x best selling author, incorporating spiritual and energetics tools of Holy Fire Reiki ©️, Spiritual/Akashic Hypnotherapy, Akashic Records Soul Coaching and Sacred Earth Healing and Embodiment.

My human design is Sacral Generator, 6/2 Profile. I’m here to empower you to discover your purpose and to help you WHEN you’re ready to take radical responsibility for your personal journey while we co-create your highest self-expression on earth 🌎.

Through this experience in UNBOUND we will build a foundation for you to deeply heal and release the past through energetic release and alignment, major mindset shifts and subconscious reprogramming so that you are able to fully step into your unique gifts from your highest self-expression, your highest self, what I call your inner witch/ inner intuitive muse.

When you start to dig deeper you uncover what has been pushed to the shadows, and you realize that you were programmed to feel shame and fear around your true desires.

But that stops in the here and now.

Because when you become UNBOUND you free your soul from the stories of past disempowerment that were keeping you stuck on autopilot.

You RECLAIM your inner power and magic.


You step into alignment with the Sacred Divine Feminine path, bringing the balance back to the world.

You become UNBOUND to time and expectations because you create your own reality.

This is your timeline, your reality. And you can begin here by unbinding yourself from all other realities that are keeping you stuck like glue to disempowerment.

UNBOUND is a deeply healing experience in which you'll uncover your highest self expression by clearing out past energies and making it safe for you to show up as your fully expressed higher self.

What to Expect within UNBOUND:

We will be using powerful energetic shifting and spiritual tools to remove blocks, energy cords and ties that are preventing you from achieving your goals, including but not limited to Holy Fire Reiki ©️, Akashic Records Exploration, Hypnotherapy, Ritual and Spell Work.


Clearing stagnant energies, generational wounds and anything that’s attached to you energetically so you can move forward creating your most vibrant aligned life with ease.

As a bonus you get to bring your energy drains/ energetic concerns, blocks, and any other concerns to the table and we clear everything out.

For the duration of the program I’ll host a new moon and full moon healing circle to release and call in your personal intentions.

Working with the 4 elements Fire/Earth/Air/Water

BONUS: 8/8 Lion’s Gate Powerful Manifestation Portal Live Event time to be announced.


Ready to reclaim your power and freedom and write your own life story into existence?

Join me in UNBOUND.

Bundle Holy Fire Reiki Levels 1 and 2 with UNBOUND

Holy Fire Reiki 1 will allow you to heal yourself, in-person clients, family and friends, and yes, even pets/animals! This is a deeply healing, transformative modality that will completely burn away layers of stagnant energies not serving you. I highly recommend getting Reiki Placements for continual self-healing and self-clearing, even if you do not have a desire to use the modality with clients!

Holy Fire Reiki Level 2 will allow you to also perform distance healing and go even

deeper in the Reiki Spiritual Journey.
"Kelli Elizabeth is incredible at what she does! Her reiki has healed things in me that I can't even explain (like not being able to sit with my feet on the floor), and a broken toe - seriously. Who is walking around fine within a few days?! I can't get enough of Kelli, lol."
Brianna Hosack
Certified Shamanic Practitioner & Duality Coach
"Kelli's hypnosis and reiki session was incredibly powerful to me. I was able to lean into my intention with the support of her words and energy. I experienced a wave of healing for myself that touched some of my most wounded parts. It's like there were chains I was carrying that I'd forgotten about and I could see clearly enough to allow myself to set them down and move forward with freedom."
Confidence for Empath, HSP, & ADHD Women
Sales, Marketing, Client Relationships, Mindset ,EQ

Ahhh amazing Kelli!!! You have such a beautiful energy to hold space for people while they go through their Akashic records, there is no ego there where you feel like you have to lead, you empower people to see what they find and lean into their own power. That's really special 🩷
Jess Tilly
Certified Dream Design Coach, Human Design Expert
"The way you're infusing the Reiki with the hypnotherapy and your deep inner knowing of energy is extraordinary. Someone can't really be trained on what you've provided here, as much as I feel like you've discovered your natural gifts. I'm so grateful to be on this path of spiritual growth and love and connection and womanhood with you!"
Vanessa Standard
#1 International Best- Selling Author, Creator of the Face Confidence Solution
"I had my intuitive reading with Kelli Femrite this morning and I am BLOWN AWAY! Not only was she very accurate and on point, but in a 15 min card pull/intuitive reading she got to the the root of my main problem in my business lately and RELEASED what was blocking me."
Brianna Hosack
Certified Shamanic Practitioner & Duality Coach
"Kelli will ask thought provoking questions to ensure her clients are considering all angles of the situation in order to make a decision that serves their highest good. She takes the success of her clients personally and is inspired by each individual’s personal passions. I have had much success in working with Kelli to help me tap into my personal intuition and take aligned action steps towards my goals. I was able to transition from my old career into a new opportunity with higher pay and benefits and a longer term career growth plan, by leaning into self-trust and calling in what I desired."
Private Client

I want you to think for a moment how it would feel to step into this path, really becoming unbound and free from all expectations, giving yourself energetic permission to create your own powerful reality?

What You Can Expect

8 Live 1-hour Zoom Sessions

We will have 8 live zoom sessions, rotating between mystical intuitive empowerment mentoring and group healing sessions. The sessions will be held every other week, to allow ample integration time. It’s my belief this deep spiritual and releasing work requires extended time for integration and energetic support.

Group Voxer Chat

Everyone who joins the program will gain access to a Group Telegram Chat, where you can ask questions, get mentoring advice, and network/chat with other group member. The chat will be available for the duration of the program, my “office hours” will be Tuesdays and Thursdays, 12PM – 3:30PM CST.

Cosmic Ritual Work

Each week you will get access to cosmic moon and witchy rituals to use to supplement your healing journey within the program. The rituals will be posted in the Group Members’ area and in Telegram. You’ll be building your own witchy toolbox to return to anytime you need to for an extra boost and support in  your journey.

This is a journey inwards and a deep call for transformation and shedding of energies that no longer serve you.


You are the creator of your own reality, and you get to choose to show up for yourself in a big, bold and unapologetic way! That way has lead you right here, exploring the possibilities for joining this program.

By joining UNBOUND you are taking that next step toward your ultimate empowerment, rediscovering and honoring your Inner Power and highest self-expression, not holding back on creating a life you love, that is also FREAKING FUN and JOYFUL.

In all of my spaces you are always very divinely held and safe to explore the deepest depths of your soul, both the light and the shadows.

Then join me in UNBOUND!

Option 1 – UNBOUND Program only

UNBOUND - Pay in Full


UNBOUND - Payment Plan
4 monthly payments of


Option 2 – Add on Holy Fire Reiki 1 & 2 Certification

UNBOUND - Plus Holy Fire Reiki Pay in Full


UNBOUND - Plus Holy Fire Reiki Payment Plan
4 monthly payments of


Holy Fire Reiki is a deeply healing and powerful experience in which you'll continue to shed layers of past beliefs that no longer serve your present purpose. By going through the process of holy fire reiki placement in Level I, you'll be able to provide reiki healing for yourself, anytime you feel called to, as well as in person sessions with clients, friends, family and yes / even pets and other animals.

*Ask me about Extended and Flexible Payment Options.

Here's how it works:

1. Choose a payment option

Pay in full for the most savings and bonuses, or be billed monthly. Once you choose your payment plan you’ll be redirected to the secure checkout page.

2. Check your email for all the details.

You will receive a welcome email from kelli@kellifemrite.com with all the details for UNBOUND.

3. Get ready to become UNBOUND.

We will have 8 total live Zoom sessions during the group program. As we get closer I will release the detailed group session times/dates that work best for all participants.

Join Risk Free

If you are not satisfied with UNBOUND, you can cancel anytime in the first 7 days of program start date.

After 7 days in the program you will still be charged for your first payment, but upon cancellation may receive a partial refund for the subsequent payments if you selected a payment plan.

Have a question about UNBOUND? Email me at kelli@kellifemrite.com

The Magick Behind UNBOUND

Have you ever been afraid to speak up, to speak out, or to tell your truth?

Have you wondered where that fear manifested from?

I found myself afraid to fully speak my truth, because I was afraid that people would judge me, mock me, persecute me or worse, call me a fraud!

I noticed this fear manifested in various areas of my life – even before they shifted into me embodying and accepting my current path as witch, akashic energy healer, and intuitive mentor.

It was when I was afraid to speak up for the kids getting bullied in grade school, for fear that I would then be bullied (fear of persecution). 

It was when I held myself back from telling someone with loud, opinionated beliefs that I disagreed with them because their beliefs were hateful, racist, or derogatory (fear of retaliation).

It was when I went along with the crowd in my early 20s and did what everyone else was doing, instead of leaning into my own intuition to guide my life (fear of being looked at as “other,” “different.”)

It was feeling a need to be accepted more than a need to honor my own soul calling.

It was when I stayed in jobs too long that didn’t fulfill me, because of a reliance on a system that wasn’t built for me – a system that keeps people chained up feeling like they owe their time and energy to causes that aren’t even promoting what their true ideals and values are.

It was when I did finally break free from that traditional path, but then found myself again afraid to speak out loud what I TRULY wanted to be doing in my life and business.

It was when I was afraid to share the messages I was hearing coming through in intuitive client sessions, because I didn’t want clients to be angry or frustrated, or to judge me and call me a fraud! 

Without realizing it, I was holding back a big part of my spiritual gifts and abilities out of a deep fear of judgment and persecution.

But more than anything I was not honoring who I was at a deep level, because I was AFRAID of how others would respond to me. 

I was afraid of what they would think of me; what they would judge my life to be.

It wasn’t until I unpeeled the layers to reveal what was underneath my outward facing fear and uncertainty, that I came to understand that years of hiding in the shadows was a result of lifetimes of hiding in the shadows. It was a result of generations of hiding; of being afraid; of the embodied fear of persecution and alienation.

When I began to slow down and get curious about what lies beneath the surface, what I uncovered was pure magic hidden in the darkness.

You might be feeling called to a path that scares you…You’ve felt the nudges, you’ve seen the signs, but you’re hesitant because of how it will look to others, how your family will perceive you, how your friends will react, how your community will respond.

Becoming aligned with your higher self and inner witch is going to piss a lot of people off, it’s going to trigger the F out of them, it’s going to bring their insecurities to the surface, it’s going to make them say mean things; take cheap shots at you.

When that happens, it will inevitably trigger underlying wounds in you – the Witch Wound, the Healer’s Wound. 

When you speak your truths and then others respond in judgmental or off-putting ways, it triggers that deep seated fear of persecution and serves as a reminder of why you were hiding in the shadows in the first place.

Part of this process is embracing your path regardless of how it makes others feel.

Because you weren’t put on this planet to please others. You were put here for a purpose, one that you’re uncovering each day.

This is your call to follow that path that logically makes little sense to a 3D world and trust that it’s leading you to something incredible.

This is your call to trust that you’re ascending beyond the ordinary.

That those who give you unconditional love and support will be there even if they don’t understand fully; and the others who don’t embody that love and support will naturally fall away.

And it’s no fault of yours. It’s just that they aren’t ready to step into unconditional love and acceptance of your soulful path.

They may be ready one day; but for now this is your life.

This is your path. 

At this point I've given you all the information I have to help you decide if UNBOUND is the right next step for you. 

If you’re still on the fence, just send me an email at kelli@kellifemrite.com and let me know what’s holding you back from jumping in! I’m very friendly and open and am happy to answer any of your pressing Q’s!

You get to be in charge of your experience. You are a sovereign being with the power to change your life in the direction that LIGHTS YOU THE F UP IN EVERY FIBER OF YOUR BEING.