Reconnect with your inner wisdom. (3)

Suspending Disbelief: 365 Days of Showing Up to Life in the Energy of Inevitable Success – Day 25, 26, 27 – UK Part 1 – Brighton Beach, Seven Sisters Sea Cliffs, Arundel Castle Oh My!

Thurs. May 23, day 25

Lesson Today:  Suspending disbelief on jet lag (Lol), Meeting Jess for the first time in person at a human design workshop, totally jet lagged but total “pinch me” am I really here? Moment. Suspended disbelief this is my reality. I’m really standing here in a beach bar in Brighton UK meeting up with Jess and all these lovely talented women in this amazing human design workshop.

I arrived in London Thursday morning on an overnight flight and made my way via bus from the London Heathrow Airport to Brighton, UK.

Upon meeting Jess It feels like we’ve known each other forever and didn’t “just meet” in person. She is such a bright light and incredible soul, and is exactly the same in person as she is on Zoom!

At the event I received a fab new oracle deck – a human design deck that is incredible for getting to know your design deeper.

I checked in to my hotel du vin and bistro after the event and crashed, ordered room service and went back out to the beach later to look for the full moon but didn’t see it and left the beach to go crash for real this time.

Friday, May 24, Day 26

Lesson Today: Follow Your Heart & Intuition and sometimes taking the scenic route is worth the extra effort and time. Being one with nature is always worth it in the end.

I woke up and had breakfast at my hotel on Friday morning, then decided to take a bus to the Seven Sisters Sea Cliffs about an hour north of Brighton along the coast of the UK.

It was an incredible and spiritual experience, and standing up on those cliffs I felt myself transcending to a higher place – just imagining where I was standing in the world at that moment was mind blowing. 

I took a very hilly 3-mile round trip hike to see the cliffs – and it was worth every extra hill!

On the way back to the visitor center there was a bog, with tons of birds and wildlife and I could feel the land come alive – I could feel the living breathing heartbeat of Mother Earth and just breathed all of that aliveness in that moment – it was another “pinch me” moment of “Am I really here, standing in the UK right now, enjoying this hilly countryside?”

Later after returning to Brighton, I met up with Alex, and she is fabulous to chat with. We sat on the stone beach and talked about business and life – whilst grounding on the large stones lining the Brighton beach.

We met up with Jess for dinner at Fish & Chips and Mr. Seagull wanted to share my dinner. He got pretty brave and swooped down a few times to grab fish off my plate! lol.

After dinner Jess & I walked Alex back to the train and then we all took a photo together along with Bri on FaceTime back in Canada and 6 hours time zone between us.

Jess & I walked around “the lanes,” these cool mysterious tiny roads with bricks and little shops & bars & restaurants- and grabbed a drink at Druid’s which claimed to be the most haunted bar in Brighton.

We had more fabulous conversation then both of us were really tired and ready for bed- so we went back to our hotels and prepared for our road tripping through the UK countryside the next day.

Sat. May 25, Day 27

Lesson Today: Exit the Roundabout! Sometimes Means Go Straight on the road. British Roads are confusing. Castles have very old heavy oppressive smells. Navigating British roundabouts are a great time for spiritual and life chats and Suspending Disbelief that the GPS will eventually get you to where you’re going.

Saturday morning Jess picked me up in the rental car and we got on the road headed toward Arundel Castle!

When we arrived we realized there was a renaissance fair going on- how cool!

We stumbled across a “choose a crystal bag” stand and got to hold actual swords. I bought a wooden pentagram necklace, and it was perfect because I had been looking for one and this was simply perfect finding it here in the UK at a freaking castle!

We toured the castle gardens then Inside the castle rooms.

The gardens were intriguing… there were very different energies in different parts of the gardens. There was what looked like a hunting shed that had a very heavy dark energy; I could feel a lot of blood was shed in it or near it.

Later I learned that the area of Arundel was very much involved in the British civil war. That makes a lot of sense with a lot of the imagery and energetic feelings both Jess and I were getting here.

A different part of the gardens had huge moss covered stones and it reminded me of the stone people in Frozen- who were basically the earth record keepers in that movie.

The stones had a very calming grounding presence and we sat on them for some time, connecting in with that energy. It felt much better than some of the heavier energies in different parts of the gardens.

Another area had a cork oak tree – and a very ancient and interesting history. We also connected with the tree and just sat around it grounding awhile.

And then there was the dry moat we actually got to walk through!

Oh my! Walking through a dry moat is an amazing feeling- I could actually still sense and feel the water that had run through there and it was crazy thinking that it once flowed with water all around and was used to keep enemies and intruders away from the castle.

The interior of the castle had a very heavy feeling to it – but my favorite part was the library for sure.

There was a lot of imagery of Catholicism but very very bloody depictions of the crucified Christ and very dark disturbing religious imagery on artwork adorning the walls.

The castle chapel gave me a very uneasy feeling in my stomach. It’s crazy I read that the family still uses the chapel for family baptisms and ceremonies.

I was super surprised to find out later that the family still lived there part time (Alex told us) and that’s why some rooms were inaccessible. And that the castle is only open to the public occasionally because the family still lives there. 

But more intriguing to me is how they can live among the old musty smells, lol. There were ALOT of interesting smells – most were heavy and old and very oppressive to me. I definitely couldn’t live there.

Jess was laughing at my ability to sense energies with smells. But maybe it’s one of my intuitive abilities!

After thoroughly touring the castle, we grabbed tea and snacks for the ride then made our way on the road towards Stonehenge!

About 50 more roundabouts later and then we arrived in the Stonehenge area to our hotel.

We both were sooooo exhausted but starving so we headed down to the hotel restaurant for dinner.

The food wasn’t great at dinner, but the chats were amazing!

We shared a glass of South African Wine and chatted about the neolithic history of Stonehenge and the Pi and Pythagorean Theorem.

I had read a book on my late uncle’s kindle about how the people who built Stonehenge had knowledge of mathematical formulas long before those formulas were even discovered.

After that stimulating conversation, we went back to the room and crashed, preparing to actually visit Stonehenge the next day!

I’d love to hear from you if you have energetically decided to join this challenge and what’s come up for you so far – and I’m celebrating you if you have joined and would love to support you further.

If you need extra accountability and support in this book a free call with me here to chat about how I can support your journey further via a number of different ways – as an intuitive empowerment mentor, modern witch and akashic energy guide I help you to reignite your souls’ purpose by clearing out energy that is not yours to carry (current life, past life), rewiring your subconscious mind and diving into your Akashic records for soul-level healing to reveal your highest aligned soul path forward in your life and business.

You get to suspend all disbelief that all this is possible for you, plus so MUCH MORE!

Share with me in the comments or by reaching out on social media tagging @kelli.femrite on Instagram or @KelliElizabeth on Facebook how you’re coming along in suspending disbelief. What feelings came up? What emotions surfaced? 

I want to know what aha moments you have gotten so far in this Suspending Disbelief Journey! Please reply to this blog post and share!

And if you’re not already there, get in the Modern Witch Mama Facebook Group here for more insights and updates and to share your experiences.

Follow along Bri’s journey on her raw daily journal style podcast here

Follow Jess’s journey in her group in Telegram; get access to that here.

You get to suspend all disbelief that all this is possible for you, plus so MUCH MORE!

P.P.S.. – *Ask me about the Suspending Disbelief Paid Coaching Pod that Brianna Hosack put together, but I’m now officially going to be a part of as a spiritual and intuitive coach/mentor in this journey! This is an opportunity to go deeper in this suspending disbelief journey with two coaches/mentors and spiritual practitioners for accountability and mindset. You can get in on this coaching pod from now until April 2025.

Go here for more details on the coaching pod and to join us!

Are you a Divine Feminine Business Leader ready to call back your Inner Intuitive Muse Witch, rediscover your higher self’s voice, and unveil and unblock your deepest truths so you can begin communicating from your higher self space and finally share your inner truths and gifts with the world?

Are you ready to unapologetically reclaim your voice that might have been buried or pushed down in the past?

Have you become aware of past energies, ways of being or even past lives that may need to be healed that are coming to the surface lately, calling to you to be examined and transformed?

My Group Program UNBOUND is now open for enrollment!

Within UNBOUND we are going to dive into what Reclaiming the Witch looks like for you. There is also an option to enroll in Holy Fire Reiki 1 & 2 Certifications alongside UNBOUND.

For more information you can go here for the full program description and payment options.

For UNBOUND Pay in full option with bonuses, go here.

For a payment plan please reach out to me – via messenger or!

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Hi, I'm Kelli!

I help mom entrepreneurs rediscover their intuitive power and step fully into their soul purpose through subconscious reprogramming, clearing and alignment, life coaching and authentic brand building (marketing, copy, messaging) so that they can take back their power in their lives, build a purpose-driven business and wake up excited to start each day.

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